Eco-sustainability project

New photovoltaic system

In 2023 Pialorsi Stampi has decided to implement the self-production of renewable energy, through the installation of an additional 96 kWp photovoltaic system, combined with the installation of low-consumption LED fixtures designed to reduce the overall energy consumption of the production site.

Thanks also to the contribution of Regione Lombardia and the European Union “Linea efficienza energetica del processo produttivo delle micro e piccole imprese artigiane”, we have been able to take another step to protect the environment, hindering the supply from exhaustible sources and favoring the use of clean and renewable resources. In fact, the sun can be classified as an inexhaustible source and can solve the problem of energy supply worldwide.

Today we can proudly say that 60% of the energy used in our entire factory is produced from renewable energy.



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