When we receive the model of the component, our technical office analyses the criticalities that can emerge during the die-casting process. In this way our staff studies a first injection gate with the aim to intervene on the above-mentioned criticalities.
Besides, we carry out an analysis on the thickness, radiuses and necessity of draft angles in order to optimize the model and make it suitable to this specific production process.
Once that the first changes for the industrialization of the component are made, we make a first discussion with the client, to show and explain the first draft.
After that we receive the first approval from the client, the optimization continues with the placement of the overflows, injection channel and ejectors. Therefore, we proceed with the first filling simulation with software ProCast.
Finally, there is a second contact with the client to present the final piece: if it is approved we continue with the design of mould. Otherwise, our technicians make the necessary modifications to come to a complete satisfaction of the client.